Save time with the
digital signature.
Just a few clicks to sign your documents thanks to a reliable solution, 100% compliant with the regulations in force (eIDAS).
Simply digitize the signature
of your documents.
Send your requests and get the expected signatures in less than 5 minutes. Your contracts, SEPA mandates, purchase orders, rental leases, confidentiality agreements… will never have been signed so quickly!
Set up signature requests tailored to your needs (choice of signatories and order of signing & choice of signature level).
Sign Deploy a trusted digital signature service to simplify your business. With VIALINK, sign anywhere, anytime and from any device (smartphone, PC, tablet, etc.).
Manage and close your contracts quickly thanks to a real-time signature monitoring.
with confidence.
Choose the level of signature that suits your organization according to your journey.
Simple and easy to identify
Identification by remote or face-to-face ID verification
Advanced e-signature
with qualified certificate
Identification by face-to-face ID verification
Mass signing: digitizing the company stamp
Simple, advanced, qualified, 3 levels of 100% compliant server stamps
Digitize the signature of your bonds
Thanks to ‘E-Cautions’ platform, centralize your activity, automate the process of managing bonds while rationalizing your costs.
Results ? Your requests signed in 5 minutes flat!
“To issue a construction bond, we have gone from a week in paper version, to 10 minutes via E-Cautions, this is a very clear advantage for us. “
Tony CARRON, Director of Treasury – VINCI Construction France
About E-Cautions:
With more than 200 customers and 80,000 digital guarantees signed per year, E-Cautions is the No. 1 platform for 100% secure guarantee management.
A solution certified
at European level.
VIALINK obtains the security visa issued by ANSSI.
VIALINK complies with the European eIDAS regulation.
Our electronic signature solution certified eIDAS by LSTI.
Our solution complies with ETSI standards.
The electronic signature by VIALINK approved by the AATL program.
VIALINK complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Signing documents with VIALINK :
your benefits.
Simplified signature of contracts, amendments and documents thanks to a 100% digital ergonomic & intuitive solution.
Choice of signatories, follow-up and monitoring of the progress of signature requests via an innovative solution.
Traceability of signatures in a time-stamped evidence file, compliant with eIDAS regulations.
a client file
Choose the right
application plan.
Get all your documents signed in record time with VIALINK SIGN,
the turnkey electronic signature solution.
20€ per user/month
Excl. VAT
Discovery offer
From 5 users
Unlimited documents
Unlimited signatures
Simple electronic signature (1)
Signatory authentication (2)
File due date
Signatory reminders
Time-stamped proof file
Electronic archiving (3)
Online documentation
(1) VIALINK signature levels
comply with eIDAS
(2) Secured authentication of the
signatory is carried out an OTP by
text message or email.
(3) Electronic archiving of documents
performed in secured servers
hosted in France
35€ per user/month
Excl. VAT
Most popular
From 10 users
Simple & advanced electronic
signatures (1)
Multiple signatories
Customer signature workflow
Custom templates
Custom text fields
Graphic customization
Related documents
Collection of supporting documents
Real-time signature tracking
User role management
JIRA ticket support (2)
(1) VIALINK signature levels comply
with eIDAS
(2) To contact our support team, you can
access our Jira Service Desk ticket portal
On demand
Premium offer
Pricing on
From 10 users
Phone support
Dedicated Customer
Success Manager
Learn more about
Digital signature.
The electronic signature is as legal as the handwritten signature.
The eIDAS regulation establishes a highly secure regulatory framework to increase trust in digital transactions in the European market, and applies to all EU countries. It establishes a legal and technical obligations to ensure the legality of the electronic signature, such as :
the integrity of the signature
the identification of the signatories
the use of an electronic certificate issued by a Trusted Service Provider
The European regulation n° 910/2014 of July 23, 2014 came into effect on July 1, 2016 of the name of eIDAS (electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Services) relates to digital identification and trust services in the context of electronic transactions . This text establishes a highly secure regulatory framework to increase trust in digital transactions within Europe and applies to all EU countries. According to Article 25, Section I: “The legal effect and admissibility of an electronic signature as evidence in court cannot be denied on the sole ground that this signature is in electronic form…” In a legal action, the courts cannot refuse to recognize the value of the electronic signature if it meets the requirements of the eIDAS Regulation.
Today, the electronic signature has become essential for all services of all public or private companies. Six years after the application of the regulation, an evolution and improvement project is planned in order to respond to new challenges around the European digital identity.
All types of documents can be signed as long as the document is available in electronic format (PDF).
Some examples are classified by department :
- Sales department: sales contract, financing request, partnership contract, quotation…
- Marketing/communication department: authorisation of customer communications, validation of media plan, event service provider contract, etc.
- Human resources: labour contract, internship agreement, IT guidelines, annual interview, validation of expense claims, etc.
- Finance department: audit document, invoice, grant application, etc.
- Legal department: confidentiality agreements, convocation, reports…
- Purchasing department: purchase orders, supplier contracts, specifications, etc.